* I have discovered that the scariest dragons and fiercest giants... usually turn out to be no more than windmills. * Life is never a straight path... it tends to be a series of detours. So, take it all in... Enjoy the journey... Embrace the adventure! * I tend to view change in people... As something that they have always had inside them... and are finally allowing out. * Often times things that appeared to be hindrances and obstacles one day... can become opportunities and blessings the next. * Life's challenges peel back the veil that we create for ourselves and reveal what is truly in our hearts. * A little nonsense every now and then is a good thing. * Then as now... I have always carried with me a smile. * Sometimes the best conversation is a soft kiss. * I can laugh fluently in five different languages. * If you smile... a laugh is sure to follow. * He who laughs loudest... laughs best! * Mmm... hot chocolate! * I think laughs should be shared... so laugh loudly... so everybody can have some! * Instead of looking for the light at the end of the tunnel... become the light! * I will always choose the shortest distance between a smile and laugh. * Laughter is one part friendship... and one part nonsense! * Dreams are good for the soul... so, dream big dreams! HERE ARE A FEW FUN THINGS: MY STORY: This is where you can learn more about me, my perspective on life, and my approach to art. UPDATES: Where I share the newest developments and artwork. LETTERS: Where I share the latest tidbits about a book I've been writing, a project that's close to my heart. It tells the story of a friendship that spans decades, exploring the lives of two characters deeply connected to each other. This narrative unfolds through intimate written letters, offering a window into their thoughts and experiences. SOMEWHERE BETWEEN: a small compilation of personal observations and occasional humorous reflections. BLOG: Serves as a mix of art gallery, source of inspiration, and a touch of philosophy, but above all, it's a space dedicated to fun! Here, I get to share and discuss some of my favorite pieces of art and the artists behind them. NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on new original art, books, merch, and more! |