They dance across your cheeks, bridge your nose, and dot your forehead, forming a constellation that shifts with the seasons of your life. In summer, they might shine a little brighter, catching the sun's glow; in winter, they may fade, whispering secrets of the dark, waiting for the sun to return.
They're reminders of days spent under the sky, of laughter in the sunshine, and whispers under the moon. They tell stories of your ancestors, connecting you to the vast web of life that stretches across the night sky. Your freckles, your stars, are a testament to the cosmos's beauty. They live with you, breathe with you, and move with you. They stand as proof of the universe's complexity and wonder, reflected in you. So, when you look in the mirror and see them, remember, you carry a piece of the grand cosmos that is uniquely yours. There was a period in my life when I seemed to be perpetually on the move, either on the road or stationed on an oil rig in some remote location. My friends would frequently inquire, "Where are you?" or "Where are you now?" Initially, my responses were straightforward, mentioning I was near one small town or another. However, I quickly realized they rarely knew where these little towns were. I often found myself explaining that I was "somewhere between" one major city and another, like being somewhere between Laredo and San Antonio. As time went on, I started to inject a bit of humor and my own observations into my replies. This playful approach to answering a simple question gradually evolved into what you see on this page today. * Remembering a First Kiss * Feeling at Home * Having a Dream * Softly Whispering * Fondly Remembering the Past I am somewhere between fondly remembering the past and passionately moving toward the future. I am somewhere between remembering a first kiss and feeling my heart break piece by piece. I am somewhere between running my fingers through your hair and softly whispering 'I love you' in your ear. I am somewhere between feeling at home driving on i-35 and falling in love with the Texas sky. This past Tuesday, I met with my editor (aka my sister) to review my story structure. It didn’t take long for her to tear apart just about every idea I had for the story structure; and there wasn’t much I could say to argue with her. But it wasn’t all bad news, she and I both believe that I have a good idea for a story and a rough outline. We also managed to go over a few ideas for themes, sub themes, and story continuity. I may have even found my opening and closing lines. So now here I am… somewhere between writing a letter and writing a story in letters. |
Where I share the latest tidbits about a book I've been writing, a project that's close to my heart. It tells the story of a friendship that spans decades, exploring the lives of two characters deeply connected to each other. This narrative unfolds through intimate written letters, offering a window into their thoughts and experiences.